Key McKinney

Key McKinney

Executive Assistant
  • Monteforte Law, P.C.
  • 300 TradeCenter, Suite 6750, Woburn, MA 01801
  • 978-657-7437

About Key

Her Role

Key is an Executive Assistant who embodies charm and efficiency. Working from Georgia, she expertly manages tasks for Mike and Nicole, allowing them to concentrate on the big picture. Key ensures that everything runs smoothly, making her an indispensable part of our team.

Her Favorite Part Of Her Job

Key's favorite part of her job is the variety it offers. She loves the challenge of juggling multiple responsibilities and making sure everything is in perfect order. Her proactive approach and meticulous attention to detail mean she’s always on top of things, ensuring that the team can operate seamlessly.

Why She Does This Work

Key is passionate about her role because it allows her to support and enhance the productivity of her colleagues. For Key, being an Executive Assistant is all about making a positive impact and being a vital part of the team’s success.

Fun Facts

Key embodies Southern hospitality, always bringing warmth and a smile to her work. She's great at multitasking and can handle a variety of tasks easily.Key’s attention to detail is unparalleled, ensuring nothing slips through the cracks.


Key graduated from North Carolina Central University, which equipped her with the skills necessary for her role as an Executive Assistant. Her training and experience have honed her ability to manage tasks efficiently and support her team effectively.