Our attorneys and staff are happy to share what they have learned about estate planning and elder law in these thoughtful blog posts. Take advantage of their experience and knowledge no matter where you are in the planning process yourself!
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Unraveling Myths in Your Parent's WillDealing with the Last Will and Testament of a parent can be an emotionally charged and complex process.
HOUSE OF THE DRAGON - Inheriting the Targaryen Estate!Despite the gruesome fighting and occasional troublesome love affairs, my attorney brain began to wonder what a Targayen probate case would look like...
A Lesson Olivia Newton-John Can Teach Us.With a terminal diagnosis, people are faced with the concept of mortality. It’s a subject that we act like it won’t happen if we never talk about it.
This plane is going down!While I was contemplating the possibility of us crashing into the Atlantic Ocean, I started to think about what would happen. It’s the nature of my business.