Chris Earley webinae

When: Pre-recorded Event - You can watch anytime! Watch the webinar now on YouTube! You can also listen to the podcast version of this webinar by clicking here, or clicking below!

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Why: Attorney Michael Monteforte invites his colleague, Attorney Chris Earley, to discuss the ins and outs of starting a business. Chris Earley is the owner of the Law Office of Chirs Earley and he is a personal injury attorney based in Boston, MA. In addition to being a great lawyer, Chris is a very successful business owner! Both Chris and Mike decided to start their own law firms early into their careers. In this video/podcast, they talk about that journey and how they had to adapt to the things law school doesn't teach you. They also discuss how they have been able to become successful as business owners, attorneys, and dads!

What You Will Learn:

  • About Attorney Chris Earley and his firm.
  • How to start a business from the ground up.
  • What made Mike and Chris decide to go out on their own. 
  • How marketing helps businesses succeed.
  • How Mike and Chris give back after starting up their own businesses.

What Are You Waiting For? Watch or Listen Now!

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Learn more about The Law Office of Chris Earley here!


Nicole Rego
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I enjoy educating people on the importance of estate planning and why everyone should have a plan in place.